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Why is my Callback function not called?

asked 2019-06-20 14:42:52 -0600

MarviB16 gravatar image

updated 2019-06-20 15:00:46 -0600


so I have the following code:

These are my callback functions:

void callbackVel( const cu_msgs::CAN_VCUStateEstimation::ConstPtr& msg ) {
    speed0 = msg->velocity[0] < 0.1;

void callbackPose( const geometry_msgs::PointStamped::ConstPtr& msg) {
    Vector3f tmp = vehiclePose;
    vehiclePose = Vector3f(

    //increase driven distance
    odometer += (vehiclePose - tmp).norm();

And these are the subscriber definitions:

    ros::Subscriber subVel = nh.subscribe< cu_msgs::CAN_VCUStateEstimation >("/mailman/state_estimation", 1, callbackVel);
    ros::Subscriber subPose = nh.subscribe< geometry_msgs::PointStamped >("slam/best_guess/position", 1, callbackPose);
   ros::Rate r(10);
   while (ros::ok()) {
        //do stuff

The callback function "callbackPose" is called regularly as it should, but the callback function callbackVel is never called. Even though when I listen to "rostopic echo /mailman/state_estimation" I get the message at a frequency of about 100Hz. What could be the reason for that?

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Can you post the code from the publishing node?

LeoE gravatar image LeoE  ( 2019-06-21 04:46:00 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-06-21 08:54:50 -0600

bakerhillpins gravatar image

Taking a quick look at your method definitions and the subscriber template parameters I'd say you have different signatures. e.g. I see 2 issues with void callbackVel( const cu_msgs::CAN_VCUStateEstimation::ConstPtr& msg ) and nh.subscribe< cu_msgs::CAN_VCUStateEstimation >:

  1. The ::ConstPtr modifier creates a different type in C++ and hence a different method.
  2. the msg is a reference (& msg) in the method signature but it's setup as 'by value' in the subscriber template parameter.

C++ allows functions to be overloaded on the basis of const-ness of parameters only if the const parameter is a reference or a pointer.

Modify one (method sig) or the other (template param), for example here I removed the ConstPtr and Reference from the type in the method declaration:

void callbackVel( const cu_msgs::CAN_VCUStateEstimation msg ) {
speed0 = msg->velocity[0] < 0.1;
    ros::Subscriber subVel = nh.subscribe< cu_msgs::CAN_VCUStateEstimation >("/mailman/state_estimation", 1, callbackVel);
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Asked: 2019-06-20 14:42:52 -0600

Seen: 1,631 times

Last updated: Jun 21 '19