How to display more than 10 Range's in rviz?
I am fixing up the p2os stack for P3-AT Pioneers and have made quite good progress. I am currently working on displaying the ultrasonic range finder data in rviz but rviz refuses to display more than 10 range objects simultaneously and am stuck as to the reason.
I am following the method outlined in for displaying an array of range finders by publishing a TF in the URDF called sonar_1 ~ sonar_16 and then publishing a set of sensor_msgs::Range measurements for each sonar unit with the .header.frame_id = "sonar_1" ~ "sonar_16".
using rostopic echo I was able to verify all sonar data is being published for each unit. in rviz I can see that all of my tf's are displayed on the robot in the correct location.
If I change my code to send the front half of the robot's sonar units it works fine, and then when I change it to send the rear half it works fine. I can even have it send the right or left side's data and rviz has not problems displaying.
Any measurement after 10 simply is ignored, regardless of the fact my 'Buffer Length' in rviz is set to 16.
Thank you very much for your help. When I have finished I hope that my modifications will be approved by the p2os maintainers so nobody needs to do this again. :)
Screenshot: Test Code: