ros2 run - symbol not found on custom msg
Hi, I've defined a custom message as described below.
geometry_msgs/Point32 polygon
float32 size_uncertainty
uint8 obstacle_class
..and the msg and associated publisher that uses it compiles just fine.
When I go to execute the node, the wheels fall off:
$ ros2 run obstacle_publisher obstacle_publisher
/home/paul/code/eclipse_ws/ROS2/install/obstacle_publisher/lib/obstacle_publisher/obstacle_publisher: symbol lookup error:
undefined symbol: _ZN13geometry_msgs3msg24typesupport_fastrtps_cpp27max_serialized_size_Point32ERbm
I have std_msgs
and geometry_msgs
set with depend
in the package.xml of both the package that creates the message (obstacle_msgs) and the package that uses the message (obstacle_publisher).
Any pointers would be appreciated.
Sincerely, Paul.