How to solve 'Failed to find stack for package [pose_follower] & [sbpl_lattice_planner]?
I followed 3d_navigation.
After downloading, I run
rosmake --rosdep-install 3d_navigation
It shows:
sam@sam:~/code/ros/navigation/sam_3D_navigation$ rosmake --rosdep-install 3d_navigation
[ rosmake ] Packages requested are: ['3d_navigation']
[ rosmake ] Logging to directory/home/sam/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20120417-212956
[ rosmake ] Expanded args ['3d_navigation'] to:
['3d_nav_executive', 'pose_follower_3d', 'octomap_collision_check', 'sbpl_lattice_planner_3d', '3d_nav_gazebo']
[ rosmake ] Generating Install Script using rosdep then executing. This may take a minute, you will be prompted for permissions. . .
Failed to find stack for package [pose_follower]
Failed to load rosdep.yaml for package [pose_follower]:Cannot locate installation of package pose_follower: [rospack] couldn't find package [pose_follower]. ROS_ROOT[/opt/ros/electric/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/sam/code/ros:/opt/ros/electric/stacks]
Failed to find stack for package [sbpl_lattice_planner]
Failed to load rosdep.yaml for package [sbpl_lattice_planner]:Cannot locate installation of package sbpl_lattice_planner: [rospack] couldn't find package [sbpl_lattice_planner]. ROS_ROOT[/opt/ros/electric/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/sam/code/ros:/opt/ros/electric/stacks]
Failed to find stack for package [pose_follower]
Failed to load rosdep.yaml for package [pose_follower]:Cannot locate installation of package pose_follower: [rospack] couldn't find package [pose_follower]. ROS_ROOT[/opt/ros/electric/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/sam/code/ros:/opt/ros/electric/stacks]
Failed to find stack for package [sbpl_lattice_planner]
Failed to load rosdep.yaml for package [sbpl_lattice_planner]:Cannot locate installation of package sbpl_lattice_planner: [rospack] couldn't find package [sbpl_lattice_planner]. ROS_ROOT[/opt/ros/electric/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/sam/code/ros:/opt/ros/electric/stacks]
How to solve it?
Thank you~