Is it possible to convert .avi file into rosbag file in ROS_KINETIC_KAME
I am not understanding how to run a video using ros_kinetic_kame. Please share me a video or complete process with all required packages that how to convert a .avi file into rosbag format.
Edit: This is my error I found :
$ roslaunch video_stream_opencv camera.launch video_stream_provider:="/home/test/Desktop/Prj/output.avi"
... logging to /home/test/.ros/log/98df6008-40c1-11e9-9e42-c81f6622f107/roslaunch-DH1CT5Z1-14580.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://DH1CT5Z1:34887/
* /camera/camera_stream/buffer_queue_size: 100
* /camera/camera_stream/camera_info_url:
* /camera/camera_stream/camera_name: camera
* /camera/camera_stream/flip_horizontal: False
* /camera/camera_stream/flip_vertical: False
* /camera/camera_stream/fps: 30.0
* /camera/camera_stream/frame_id: camera
* /camera/camera_stream/height: 0
* /camera/camera_stream/loop_videofile: False
* /camera/camera_stream/set_camera_fps: 30.0
* /camera/camera_stream/video_stream_provider: /home/test/Deskto...
* /camera/camera_stream/width: 0
* /rosdistro: kinetic
* /rosversion: 1.12.14
camera_stream (video_stream_opencv/video_stream)
process[camera/camera_stream-1]: started with pid [14597]
[ INFO] [1551955599.176597852]: Resource video_stream_provider: /home/test/Desktop/Prj/output.avi
[ INFO] [1551955599.176662227]: Getting video from provider: /home/test/Desktop/Prj/output.avi
[ INFO] [1551955599.179496159]: Video stream provider type detected: videofile
[ INFO] [1551955599.180594786]: Camera name: camera
[ INFO] [1551955599.181613177]: Setting camera FPS to: 30
[ INFO] [1551955599.181655102]: Camera reports FPS: 20
[ INFO] [1551955599.182527461]: Setting buffer size for capturing frames to: 100
[ INFO] [1551955599.183486775]: Throttling to fps: 30
[ INFO] [1551955599.184338937]: Publishing with frame_id: camera
[ INFO] [1551955599.185229180]: Provided camera_info_url: ''
[ INFO] [1551955599.186110557]: Flip horizontal image is: false
[ INFO] [1551955599.187001087]: Flip vertical image is: false
[ INFO] [1551955599.191553137]: using default calibration URL
[ INFO] [1551955599.191696665]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/test/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml
[ INFO] [1551955599.191759949]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/test/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml]
[ WARN] [1551955599.191787319]: Camera calibration file /home/test/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml not found.
[ INFO] [1551955599.191810010]: Opened the stream, starting to publish.
[camera/camera_stream-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/test/.ros/log/98df6008-40c1-11e9-9e42-c81f6622f107/camera-camera_stream-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
Yes, it is possible. Can you please tell us what have you tried and what didn't work exactly. As a start you can use video_stream_opencv, video_player is outdated.
How to get the video_stream_opencv I have tries to get its packages but all I find the error for broken packages only
I've posted an answer for your first question that should work once the package is installed correctly. Can you please share the dependency errors that you've got to help you solve them.
did you use
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-video-stream-opencv
to install the package or install it from source?