Interrupting ROS node with a ctrl+c (in terminator shell)
I've seen many questions about this, including one of mine from a year ago. What about this case, where I think it all looks correct and nothing in the loop is long running, and yet I often have to do ^c many many times before it responds. Oddly shift ^c seems to interrupt better. I don't even know what shift ^c is!
I am running Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 dual botted on a 5 year old Mac Pro.
[I can hardly think this is related, but. I have this problem when I run terminator
as the shell. But, it seems, without extensive testing, that when I run this same script from the shell built into vscode, the ^cs work reliably.]
rate = rospy.Rate(5)
count_log = 0
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
count_log += 1
if (count_log % 10 == 0):
print("\n#%s [%s] %s=%1.2f" % (count_log, self.state,
self.m.closest_dir, self.m.closest_dist))
if (self.m is None):
elif (self.state == "find_wall"):
elif (self.state == "follow_wall"):
elif (self.state == "emer_stop"):
It's very hard to replicate your problem because you posted an incomplete code snippet. We don't know what is happening in those functions you call that could be blocking. Please post a minimal code sample that shows the problem.