Issue with eros_python_tools and roscreate-qt-ros-pkg
I am having trouble with roscreate-qt-ros-pkg. I cannot manage to get it working. I got the package eros_python_tools as per these instructions; however, upon running the command to make a qt package, I get the following:
allenh1@allenh1-U50F:~/ros_workspace$ roscreate-qt-ros-pkg
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/allenh1/ros_workspace/eros_python_tools/scripts/roscreate-qt-ros-pkg", line 3, in <module>
from ros import eros_python_tools
ImportError: cannot import name eros_python_tools
Did I do something wrong in my .bashrc or my file?
-Hunter A.
Which ros version are you using (i.e. diamondback, electric, fuerte)?
I am using fuerte.