How to use tf_broadcaster for my mobile robot?
Hi everyone,
I am doing this tf2 tutorial
tf2 TutorialsWriting a tf2 broadcaster (Python)
How can I use tf2_broadcaster and listener for my mobile robot (having laser scan). What are the changes I need to do in launch file of tf2_broadcaster in above tutorial?
Thanks in Advance!!!
What do you want to achieve using the TF broadcaster exactly? You haven't told us yet.
Actually I build own wheel mobile robot with hokuyo laser sensor in Gazebo simulator. I want to get the data from sensor in Rviz for that it requires to add fixed frame. So I want to know how can I add world frame as a fixed frame and how to add tf in Rviz.
If you need to add a static transform to your robot you can use the static_transform_publisher node and start it from a launch file. When this is added to the TF tree you will see it in RVIZ along with all the other frames.