Predictability of cmd_vel
If I send 10 seconds worth of cmd_vel x=0.1 to my TurtleBot3, how close to 1m travel should I expect? (I know that on paper it should be one meter (10 x 0.1) but I am wondering what a reasonable tolerance is. Just cmd_vel, nothing fancy.
Are you talking about a simulation or a real robot ?
a real robot, a Robotis Turtlebot3 running kinetic. I don't think the model should matter, but just in case.
I think the underlying issue here is that using velocity control to achieve position control can work, but will need a closed loop to be anywhere near accurate. That's not TB-specific, just general control theory.
Things like "10 seconds worth of cmd_vel x=0.1" are strange things to say.
It is a bit strange I agree. The background is that we modified a robot (put different wheels on it) and we are trying to validate that the parameters we changed produce the correct result. Hence we would like to check pieces separately at lower level.
So technically this is an xy-problem then.
Fair enough. I thought I was isolating the specific question that we were debating on this end which was was it correct to assume that 10 seconds at 0.1 should produce about 1 meter and not 3 meters which is what we were seeing. But I should have given the context.
Have you run the robot along a tape measure (just manually tele-opping) to make it drive 1 or 2 or 3m in a single direction and then checked the published
? That should tell you whether you've configured things correctly.