Permanently adding workspace to ROS environment
I am following this tutorial to create a new ROS package. In step 4 we build the catkin workspace and sourc the setup file and once this is done I can do a roscd beginner_tutorials
from anywhere and it will take me to ~/catkin_ws/src/beginner_tutorials
brilliant! ...until I close the terminal window and open a new one. Now roscd <TAB> <TAB>
doesn't show "beginner_tutorials" as an option. If I re-source my setup file i.e. do a . ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
everything works again.
Do I need to source my setup file everytime I open a new terminal window or is there some way to permanently add it to my ROS environment?
I have this source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
at the end of my .bashrc file.