Renamed repository and stack not listed
I recently announced a repository and stack via the mailing list (both called "teleop").
It was brought to my attention that in between the time I started work on my stack and the time I announced it, someone else had released a package with the same name as my repository/stack. It was also brought to my attention that the indexer doesn't like it when a repository and stack have the same name (basically, the stack wasn't indexed).
So I then announced to the mailing list that the repository had been renamed to "skynetish-ros-pkg", and the stack had been renamed to "generic_teleop".
Per the email, the rosinstall file for the "skynetish-ros-pkg" repository is at:
- Github:
- Source:
- Raw:
And the "generic_teleop" stack is available at:
- Github:
- Source:
- Docs:
This information has yet to propagate to the software list at Instead the old "teleop" repository is still listed, along with the contained packages, with no corresponding stack.
Could someone check why the new repository and stack have not been indexed? Perhaps the old repository entry simply hasn't been removed, and it has a higher priority than the new one?
Best, Kevin