How to publish Gazebo Topics in ROS as ROS Topic so that it can be viewed in Rviz

asked Mar 25 '18

ArpanHalder gravatar image

updated Mar 25 '18

I wish to place a camera in the Gazebo world (not in the robot model) and stream image from that sensor as a topic in ROS.

For attaching a camera on robots there are several tutorials. But I cannot make out how to get a sensor data in ROS topic that is in SDF. (The sensor readings are visible in gazebo topic visualization, however need that data in python for processing, that's why need it in ros topic)

I tried with rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo but it shows only few selected topics from Gazebo and not all the Gazebo topics.

I am on ros-kinetic, Gazebo7

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Which camera plugin do you use in your model? There are ROS and non ROS plugins. You're probably using the non ROS one.

l4ncelot gravatar image l4ncelot  ( Mar 26 '18 )edit