"CAN not ready" in canopen_chain_node

asked Mar 16 '18

Dizett gravatar image

canopen_chain_node not work

    $ roslaunch canopen_chain_node chain.launch 
... logging to /home/turtle1/.ros/log/4e0d0386-2930-11e8-b82e-c8ff284dfc57/roslaunch-turtle1-6209.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /canopen_chain/

 * /canopen_chain/bus/bitrate: 1000000
 * /canopen_chain/bus/device: can0
 * /canopen_chain/bus/master_allocator: canopen::SimpleMa...
 * /canopen_chain/heartbeat/msg: 77f#05
 * /canopen_chain/heartbeat/rate: 20
 * /canopen_chain/nodes/speed/eds_file: /home/turtle1/ros...
 * /canopen_chain/nodes/speed/id: 32
 * /canopen_chain/nodes/speed/publish: ['0x320A']
 * /canopen_chain/nodes/steer/eds_file: /home/turtle1/ros...
 * /canopen_chain/nodes/steer/id: 1
 * /canopen_chain/sync/interval_ms: 10
 * /canopen_chain/sync/overflow: 0
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.13

    canopen_chain (canopen_chain_node/canopen_chain_node)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [6219]

setting /run_id to 4e0d0386-2930-11e8-b82e-c8ff284dfc57
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [6232]
started core service [/rosout]
process[canopen_chain-2]: started with pid [6250]
[ INFO] [1521214850.624570780]: Initializing XXX
[ INFO] [1521214850.625188606]: Current state: 1 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214850.626067173]: Current state: 2 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
abort1017#0, reason: Invalid value for parameter (download only).
Could not process message
[ INFO] [1521214850.642747823]: Current state: 0 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214850.643073415]: Current state: 0 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214856.645942639]: Initializing XXX
[ INFO] [1521214856.646338053]: Current state: 1 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214856.646720963]: Current state: 2 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214856.647400343]: Current state: 2 device error: system:125 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214856.647531316]: Current state: 1 device error: system:125 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ERROR] [1521214856.667205534]: CAN not ready
Did not receive a response message
[ERROR] [1521214866.667327117]: CAN not ready; not operational; not operational; CAN not ready
[ INFO] [1521214869.662835126]: Current state: 1 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214869.663027334]: Current state: 0 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214869.663190227]: Current state: 0 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214901.657585232]: Initializing XXX
[ INFO] [1521214901.657898834]: Current state: 1 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214901.658281659]: Current state: 2 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214901.658529216]: Current state: 2 device error: system:125 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214901.658658688]: Current state: 1 device error: system:125 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ERROR] [1521214901.678690690]: CAN not ready
[ INFO] [1521214911.659451924]: Current state: 1 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214911.659648225]: Current state: 0 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1521214911.659840469]: Current state: 0 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)


$ rosservice call /driver/init 
success: False
message: "could not reset node '32'"

.yaml file

  device: can0
  master_allocator: canopen::SimpleMaster::Allocator
  interval_ms: 10
  overflow: 0
  rate: 20 # simple heartbeat producer, optional!
  msg: "77f#05" # message to send, cansend format: heartbeat of node 127 with status ...
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