roslaunch launching not in one package
after long time I followed the tutorials again and tried a lauch file
<group ns="turtlesim1">
<node pkg="turtlesim" name="sim" type="turtlesim_node"/>
<node pkg="turtlesim" name="mimic" type="mimic">
<remap from="input" to="turtlesim1/turtle1"/>
<remap from="output" to="turtlesim2/turtle1"/>
<node pkg="turtlesim" type="turtle_teleop_key" name="turtle_teleop_key" output="screen">
<param name="scale_linear" value="0.5" type="double"/>
<param name="scale_angular" value="1.5" type="double"/>
<remap from="turtlebot_teleop_keyboard/cmd_vel" to="cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop"/>
however the teleop is not working with the turtlesim
how would I correctly use teleop_key in a launchfile so that it work with the turtlesim ?
Thanks for any hint/link to the correct tutorial Regards, RL
Edit: Remapping is only for names ? only makes sense with long names ? is there any way to reuse the turtle_teleop_key in another package/ with another topic ?
this worked for me
<group ns="turtlesim1">
<node pkg="turtlesim" type="turtlesim_node" name="sim"/>
<node pkg="turtlesim" type="turtle_teleop_key" name="turtle_teleop_key" output="screen">
<param name="scale_linear" value="0.5" type="double"/>
<param name="scale_angular" value="1.5" type="double"/>
thanks and regards
@RL: please don't post answers unless you are actually answering your own question. For everything else, just post comments or update your original question. Use the edit button/link for that.
just noticed that..sorry !