Pause rosbag
Hi all,
I am trying to collect data from the robot by running $ rostopic echo 'topic name' command and save them into rosbag. But I do not want record all the time and I want to pause rosbag on some segment of trajectory. I found below link and they said that this functionality is in their roadmap but I coulnd find anything! Could you please help me with this issue? Thanks,
Can you clarify why you use
rostopic echo ..
androsbag record ..
together? This is not a typical use ofrosbag
.Because I want to see stream of velocities published by rostopic echo and I want to save those in rosbag in order to be able to analyzing them. Am I in wrong track ?!
rosbag record ..
already records all the topics that you specify. You can userostopic echo ..
at the same time. But maybe I misunderstood you: I thought you were trying to get the output ofrostopic echo ..
to be recorded byrosbag
, but that is probably not the case.