ROS message_filter ExactTime queue
Hallo community,
I want to provide only the newest combined RGBD message to a image processing nodelet. For this purpose I use the exact time synchronizer. But Im still a little bit uncertain which queue size has to be one to get only the newest combined message. Must the queue of the synchronizer be 1 or queue of the message subscribers and which size the other queue should have?
exactSyncDepth_ = new message_filters::Synchronizer<RGBDExactSyncDepthPolicy>(RGBDExactSyncDepthPolicy(syncQueueSize), imageSub_, imageDepthSub_,cameraInfoSub_);
imageSub_.subscribe(rgb_it, rgb_nh.resolveName("image"), subQueueSize, hintsRgb);
imageDepthSub_.subscribe(depth_it, depth_nh.resolveName("image"), subQueueSize, hintsDepth);
cameraInfoSub_.subscribe(rgb_nh, "camera_info", subQueueSize)
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