Enable roslaunch to log?
Hy Community.
am going one step forward learning ROS, now I can define a file.launch like:
<node name="publishener1" pkg="abc_mmg" type="hello_world_publisher.py" args="--test" respawn="true" />
<node name="subscriber1" pkg="abc_mmg" type="hello_world_subscriber.py" args="--test" respawn="true" />
to start a publisher and a subscriber that I wrote in the tutorials.. :) so far so good!
the issue is that I can't find to fix:
when I do
rosclient@rosclient-VirtualBox:~/catkin_ws$ rosrun abc_mmg hello_world_publisher.py
my rosnode is working fine and I can see in the terminal the message it is publishing same applies for the subscriber, every new callback msg is printed in the Terminal,
but when I do a roslaunch I dont see the msg anymore, as workaround I've found to open another terminal and do rostopic echo but how can I enable my Roslaunch to log in the terminal as before?