Invoking "make cmake_check_build_system" failed

asked 2017-03-17 23:02:01 -0500

bonzi gravatar image

updated 2017-03-17 23:07:41 -0500

I followed the rtabmap_ros[] to install rtab map. My installation is perfect till step 2. In step 3, after cloning rtabmap ros package into my source folder, i receive the following errors when i run the catkin_make command. Im using Ros Indigo 14.04. Intel® Core™ i7-3612QM CPU @ 2.10GHz × 8 Intel® Ivybridge Mobile

adil@adil-HP-Pavilion-g6:~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make
Base path: /home/adil/catkin_ws
Source space: /home/adil/catkin_ws/src
Build space: /home/adil/catkin_ws/build
Devel space: /home/adil/catkin_ws/devel
Install space: /home/adil/catkin_ws/install
#### Running command: "make cmake_check_build_system" in "/home/adil/catkin_ws/build"
-- Using CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX: /home/adil/catkin_ws/devel
-- Using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /opt/ros/indigo
-- This workspace overlays: /opt/ros/indigo
-- Using PYTHON_EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/python
-- Using Debian Python package layout
-- Using empy: /usr/bin/empy
-- Call enable_testing()
-- Using CATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR: /home/adil/catkin_ws/build/test_results
-- Found gtest sources under '/usr/src/gtest': gtests will be built
-- Using Python nosetests: /usr/bin/nosetests-2.7
-- catkin 0.6.18
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- ~~  traversing 6 packages in topological order:
 -- ~~  - iai_kinect2 (metapackage)
-- ~~  - kinect2_registration
-- ~~  - kinect2_bridge
-- ~~  - kinect2_calibration
-- ~~  - kinect2_viewer
-- ~~  - rtabmap_ros
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- +++ processing catkin metapackage: 'iai_kinect2'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(iai_kinect2/iai_kinect2)
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'kinect2_registration'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(iai_kinect2/kinect2_registration)
-- CPU based depth registration enabled
-- OpenCL based depth registration enabled
 -- +++ processing catkin package: 'kinect2_bridge'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(iai_kinect2/kinect2_bridge)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;genlisp;genpy
 -- +++ processing catkin package: 'kinect2_calibration'
 -- ==> add_subdirectory(iai_kinect2/kinect2_calibration)
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'kinect2_viewer'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(iai_kinect2/kinect2_viewer)
-- Boost version: 1.54.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
--   system
--   filesystem
--   thread
--   date_time
--   iostreams
 --   serialization
-- checking for module 'openni-dev'
--   package 'openni-dev' not found
-- checking for module 'openni-dev'
--   package 'openni-dev' not found
-- checking for module 'openni-dev' 
--   package 'openni-dev' not found
-- looking for PCL_COMMON
-- looking for PCL_OCTREE
-- looking for PCL_IO
-- looking for PCL_KDTREE
 -- looking for PCL_SEARCH
-- looking for PCL_FILTERS
-- looking for PCL_FEATURES
-- looking for PCL_KEYPOINTS
-- looking for PCL_GEOMETRY
-- looking for PCL_SEGMENTATION
-- looking for PCL_VISUALIZATION
-- looking for PCL_OUTOFCORE
-- looking for PCL_REGISTRATION
-- looking for PCL_RECOGNITION
-- looking for PCL_SURFACE
-- looking for PCL_PEOPLE
-- looking for PCL_TRACKING
-- looking for PCL_APPS
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'rtabmap_ros'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(rtabmap_ros)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;genlisp;genpy
-- rtabmap_ros: 12 messages, 6 services 
CMake Error at /opt/ros/indigo/share/gencpp/cmake/gencpp-extras.cmake:8 (file):
 file problem creating directory:
 Call Stack (most recent call first):
/home/adil/catkin_ws/build/rtabmap_ros/cmake/rtabmap_ros-genmsg.cmake:114 (_generate_msg_cpp)
/opt/ros/indigo/share/genmsg/cmake/genmsg-extras.cmake:307 (include)
rtabmap_ros/CMakeLists.txt:91 (generate_messages)

CMake Error at /opt/ros/indigo/share/gencpp/cmake/gencpp-extras.cmake:8 (file):
 file problem creating directory:
 Call Stack (most recent call first):
 /home/adil/catkin_ws/build/rtabmap_ros/cmake/rtabmap_ros-genmsg.cmake:120 (_generate_msg_cpp)
 /opt/ros/indigo/share/genmsg/cmake/genmsg-extras.cmake:307 (include)
 rtabmap_ros/CMakeLists.txt:91 (generate_messages)

CMake Error at /opt/ros/indigo/share/gencpp/cmake/gencpp-extras.cmake:8 (file):
 file problem creating directory:
 Call Stack (most recent call first):
 /home/adil/catkin_ws/build/rtabmap_ros/cmake/rtabmap_ros-genmsg.cmake:126 (_generate_msg_cpp)
 /opt/ros/indigo ...
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This is probably rather pedantic, but I must ask: why do people try to rosrun or roslaunch things when it's obvious the build has failed. If building was not necessary for any of this to work, why do they think we include those steps every time?

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2017-03-18 05:29:56 -0500 )edit

Did you ever run any catkin command as root?

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2017-03-18 05:30:46 -0500 )edit

@gvdhoorn My rtabmap was running perfectly before using kinect v2. I tried to install the rgbdslam v2. When I did, since that time i was not able to kinect2_bridge and rtabmap. I even removed the rgbdslam and re-installed kinect2_bridge and rtabmap. But still not working

bonzi gravatar image bonzi  ( 2017-03-18 06:53:53 -0500 )edit

@gvdhoorn i didnt run any catkin command as root. I followed the tutorials accordingly for the installation.

bonzi gravatar image bonzi  ( 2017-03-18 06:58:14 -0500 )edit