Cmake error when genmsg is added to the CMakeLists.txt during message creation
During the creation of a .msg file as mentioned in the ros tutorial, I have added genmsg package as well along with std_msgs [ in package.xml and also in CMakeLists.txt at find_package(...) ,catkin_package(...) and generate_messages(...) areas ]. When I catkin_make install after this , a CMake error related to genmsg-cmake is popping up and when I exclude genmsg from CMakeList file, the error disappeared. Why is it so ? Also , how do I decide on what dependencies to add when creating a .msg file ? Thank you in advance.
- yes , creating ros msg and srv is the tutorial I was referring to.
- - Since the particular example used only std_msgs as a dependency , I was thinking if genmsg could also be added as another dependency ?[ how do we decide which package our created .msg file should depend on ? ]
- So, after adding genmsg as well ,to the dependency list in CMakeLists.txt , the following error popped up when I catkin_make install ( the last step in creating the message , "common step for msg and srv" as the tutorial mentions. )
Please let me know if you still require any additional information to clarify . Thanks !
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