subcribing and publishing frequency issue for servo motor control with arduino

asked 2016-09-23 21:11:10 -0500

angshumanG gravatar image

updated 2016-09-23 21:11:52 -0500

I am trying to run MPC on Julia and its results (acceleration and steering) I am publishing to a topic. A low level controller then converts it to pwm values for the arduino. Now my problem is the initial few outputs of the MPC has fluctuating frequency due to which I think the servo motor is not working. The servo motor works when it uses constant frequency pwm signals.

rostopic hz /ecu_pwm 
subscribed to [/ecu_pwm]
average rate: 15.874
    min: 0.063s max: 0.063s std dev: 0.00000s window: 2
no new messages
no new messages
average rate: 1.118
    min: 0.063s max: 2.901s std dev: 1.17307s window: 5
average rate: 2.268
    min: 0.045s max: 2.901s std dev: 0.83080s window: 11
average rate: 2.772
    min: 0.045s max: 2.901s std dev: 0.68780s window: 16
average rate: 3.090

How to the stop the topic from publishing or publishing a constant output till the frequency of the MPC stabilizes.

Its just the first 3 -4 runs for ~1 sec which has fluctuating frequency and later on it becomes static.

My code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Licensing Information: You are free to use or extend these projects for
# education or reserach purposes provided that (1) you retain this notice
# and (2) you provide clear attribution to UC Berkeley, including a link
# to
# Attibution Information: The barc project ROS code-base was developed at UC
# Berkeley in the Model Predictive Control (MPC) lab by Jon Gonzales
# ( and Greg Marcil ( The cloud
# services integation with ROS was developed by Kiet Lam
# ( The web-server app Dator was based on an open source
# project by Bruce Wootton
# The original code is being modified by Angshuman Goswami from Clemson University
# working in Efficient Mobility via Connectivity and Control (EMC2) lab
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# README: This node serves as an outgoing messaging bus from odroid to arduino
# Subscribes: steering and motor commands on 'ecu'
# Publishes: combined ecu commands as 'ecu_pwm'

from rospy import init_node, Subscriber, Publisher, get_param
from rospy import Rate, is_shutdown, ROSInterruptException, spin, on_shutdown
from barc.msg import ECU_raw, ECU
from numpy import pi
import rospy

motor_pwm = 90
servo_pwm = 90
str_ang_max = 35
str_ang_min = -35

def pwm_converter_callback(msg):
    global motor_pwm, servo_pwm, b0
    global str_ang_max, str_ang_min

    # translate from SI units in vehicle model
    # to pwm angle units (i.e. to send command signal to actuators)

    # convert desired steering angle to degrees, saturate based on input limits
    str_ang     = max( min( 180.0/pi*msg.servo, str_ang_max), str_ang_min)
    servo_pwm   = 92.0558 + 1.8194*str_ang  - 0.0104*str_ang**2

    # compute motor command
    FxR         =  float(msg.motor) 
    if FxR == 0:
        motor_pwm = 90.0
    elif FxR > 0:
        motor_pwm   =  FxR/b0 + 95.0
        motor_pwm = 90.0

def neutralize():
    global motor_pwm
    motor_pwm = 90
    servo_pwm = 90

def update_arduino():
    global motor_pwm, servo_pwm, ecu_pub
    ecu_cmd = ECU(motor_pwm, servo_pwm)

def arduino_interface():
    global ecu_pub, b0

    # launch node, subscribe to motorPWM and servoPWM, publish ecu ...
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