What does environment set up do
(This is a basic quest. I'm new to ROS.)
I know that environment set up is setting up the environment, but what environment? What is actually set up there? Any example?...(1)
From this ros tutorial page:
If roscd says similar to roscd: No such package/stack 'beginner_tutorials' , you will need to source the environment setup file like you did at the end of the create_a_workspace tutorial:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws $ source devel/setup.bash $ roscd beginner_tutorials
Why do I have to setup again if previously I have set it up?...(2)
Before setup , roscd beginner_tutorials can't be executed, but after set up, it can. What does set up actually do here?...(3)
Lastly, when installing ROS according to this Ros installation page ,we set up the environment for ros. My quests are: Again, what environment is set up/what is actually being set up here?...(4)
Why for this one we don't need to set up the ros env everytime open a new session, unlike the previous one where we have to set up again eventhough we once set it up?...(5)