Where is the 'basics package' described on p. 32 of "Programming Robots with ROS"
I'm on page 34 of Morgan Quigley's book, Programming Robots with ROS and he says to make sure that the basics package is in your workspace. This is the first time he mentioned the package and doesn't give an explanation for itaa. How do I find it?
What files does he mention are inside the package? It may help us to narrow down which package it was.
He doesn't mentioned any files in the package. I'm supposed to run the command "rosrun basics topic_publisher.py" I made a new package and copied the code for topic_publisher.py into the package. When I run the command, I get an error: [rospack] Error: package 'basics' not found
In the command,
is the name of the package. To make this work with your package, you need to substitute the name of your package forbasics