Why routes are deleted using VLP16 and RVIZ ?
We are trying to visualize in realtime the VLP-16 data in RVIZ.
Our config :
- Ubuntu 14.04
- ROS indigo
- Velodyne VLP-16
We launch in several terminals these following commands :
TTY0 :
$ sudo route add eth0
$ roscore
TTY1 :
$ roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud VLP16-points.launch
TTY2 :
$ rosrun velodyne_pointcloud cloud_node _calibration:=($mypath)/VLP16db.yaml
TTY3 :
$ rosrun rviz rviz -f velodyne
We can see it real time for like a few minutes, and then it freezes.
When we look at the route -n
command the velodyne route ( is gone.
After this, if we enter the : sudo route add eth0
command again, rviz shows data correctly in realtime.
Any ideas why the route disappears ?
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
Is your machine a DHCP client? Could be that it's flushing the routes upon renewal of the lease. Check
to see whether the 'loss of route' coincides with lease renewal.Also: have you checked to see whether the route disappears when you're not running anything from ROS?
Why are you running two instances of the cloud_node? VLP16-points.launch runs everything (including the cloud_node as a nodelet).