Flickering in rviz
Hi, I am trying to visualize Baxter Robot while providing joint trajectory in rviz. I am calling rviz from following launch file-
<arg name="file" default="$(find kinematics_animation)/demos/baxter/joint_states.csv" />
<param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/xacro.py
--inorder $(find baxter_description)/urdf/baxter.urdf.xacro"/>
<node name="joint_state_publisher" pkg="joint_state_publisher" type="joint_state_publisher" />
<node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="state_publisher"/>
<node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" respawn="false" name="rviz"
args="-d $(find kinematics_animation)/demos/baxter/baxter_rviz_config.rviz" />
<node pkg="kinematics_animation" type="player.py" name="baxter_animation">
<param name="file" value="$(arg file)" />
Below is the snippet from python file-
def __init__(self):
freq = 50
self.rate = 1.0
rospy.loginfo("Publishing frequency = "+str(freq))
fname = rospy.get_param("~file", None)
if fname is None:
rospy.logerr("Must provide private param '~file'")
rospy.signal_shutdown("No CSV file provided")
rospy.loginfo("Animation file = "+fname)
rospy.loginfo("Time scaling = " + str(self.rate))
# load data:
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
fline = f.readline()
self.names = fline.rstrip('\r\n').split(',')
self.names = self.names[1:]
self.dat = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=1, delimiter=',')
self._fint = interp1d(1/float(self.rate)*self.dat[:,0], self.dat[:,1:], kind='linear', axis=0)
self.base_time = rospy.Time.now()
# create publisher:
self.state_pub = rospy.Publisher("joint_states", JointState, latch=True, queue_size=3)
# create timer:
self.pbtimer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1/float(freq)), self.timercb)
def timercb(self, time_dat):
t = (rospy.Time.now() - self.base_time).to_sec()
try :
q = self._fint(t)
except ValueError:
q = self._fint.y[-1]
if (t - self._fint.x[-1]) > 2.0:
rospy.loginfo("Resetting animation!")
self.base_time = rospy.Time.now()
js = JointState(name=self.names, position=q)
js.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
The problem is that after calling the launch file, rvis starts flickering the Baxter arms. It feels to me that everytime, arms are going back to home position. How can I resolve this problem?