Run QT project with ROS publisher/subscriber
Hi all,
I'm new to ROS. I have used the tutorials to make a catkin workspace with a publisher and subscriber cpp file. I have run these via terminal and they work fine. I have also created QT projects for them, and ran and they communicate.
My project involves a high speed vision system using QT for ball detection and tracking. I need to run a ROS publisher in this project on my laptop, and via wifi communicate with the subscriber in a QT project on an Odroid board (or vice versa), to send information about the located ball position/size/distance.
My questions are: 1. how can i put my ROS publisher into my existing QT project? 2. can I run QT after ssh into wifi? I get display errors. 3. can i send images from publisher to subscriber? 4. Everytime I want to run my current publisher/subscriber I have to remake my CMakeLists.txt file otherwise I get 'no executable specified' error - is this normal?
Thanks! :)
I'll try my best to explain it all.
I have simply put in the #includes (eg ros/ros.h) and added a ros::intit(<variables>) statement into my current project main, I get 'undefined reference to ros::init(<variables>)'
My vision project is a normal <project>.pro with header and sources. The ros qt project built off the CMakeLists.txt so its layout is different.. I get many many errors when I put my ros talker.cpp code into my vision project so I'm guessing I'm missing some includes or libs in my pro file :/
I have ssh into the odroid and run a publisher/subscriber using terminal command line like rosrun and this does work. I just cant run qtcreator apparently and get a display warning.
Thank you for the information on images! I have also been shown cv_bridge.
I've setup my publisher project following the ros IDE instructions, remaking the CMakeLists.txt and using this to build a new project. When I googled the error it comes up as an Ubuntu bug that hasn't been fixed. It doesnt appear if I remake the .txt file each time I open qtcreator. A huge pain!