how to install erratic-robot on the indigo?
I can not install this package.I use the ubuntu14.04. And someone can teach me how to install it? Thanks!
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I can not install this package.I use the ubuntu14.04. And someone can teach me how to install it? Thanks!
I have the same question. I download this package zip and relese them,then i put the package in src in my work space. but i have no idea to do next. So can you help me ? thank you very much. is it worked to just use catkin_make in my work space(catkin_ws) as you said ?
Asked: 2016-03-18 10:16:27 -0500
Seen: 446 times
Last updated: Mar 30 '16
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It looks like it's not yet supported by Indigo Erratic ROS Wiki. Yet, can you post the error or the installation log preventing its installation?
Finally, I download this package zip and use catkin_make to compile it and it look like can work. Thank you.
Please mark your question as answered. Thx