publish multiple data on one topic
Is it possible to publish multiple data i.e angle for servo1 and angle for servo2 on one topic ? If yes, please show me answer how to do it.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Thank you sir for your answer.
But still getting the error as "Segmentation fault(core dumped)"
Please consider my procedure:
sensor_msgs::JointState joint;
joint.position[1] = 50;
joint.velocity[1] = 100;
joint.effort[1] = 90;
qDebug() << "position =" << joint.position[1];
qDebug() << "velocity =" << joint.velocity[1];
qDebug() << "effort =" << joint.effort[1];
@darshandoria: please don't post answers to provide us with more information. Edit your question for that. Use the edit link/button.
ok i will take care of it