grab frame returned false problem with vicon ROS Indigo [closed]

asked 2015-12-02 18:42:58 -0500

Moha89 gravatar image

updated 2015-12-06 21:59:38 -0500


I am trying to connect vicon with ros inidgo but I am getting the following error:

[ INFO] [1449102663.987751241]: Connecting to Vicon DataStream SDK at ...
[ INFO] [1449102663.988230113]: .
[ INFO] [1449102664.988475085]: ... connected!
[ INFO] [1449102664.988596236]: Setting Stream Mode to ClientPull: Success
[ INFO] [1449102664.988699704]: Axis Mapping: X-Forward Y-Left Z-Up
[ INFO] [1449102664.988797025]: Version: 1.5.0
[ INFO] [1449102664.988887674]: setting up grab_vicon_pose service server ... 
[ INFO] [1449102664.991526043]: setting up segment calibration service server ... 
[ INFO] [1449102665.995210107]: getFrame returned false
[ INFO] [1449102666.999802458]: getFrame returned false
[ INFO] [1449102668.004260179]: getFrame returned false
[ INFO] [1449102669.008734537]: getFrame returned false
[ INFO] [1449102670.013276002]: getFrame returned false
[ INFO] [1449102671.017864294]: getFrame returned false
[ INFO] [1449102672.022438781]: getFrame returned false
[ INFO] [1449102673.027016893]: getFrame returned false
[ INFO] [1449102674.031595970]: getFrame returned false

when I changed the port number to 801 or delete it (I kept the ip address only ), getFrame returned false was gone. However, I still had a problem as shown below

[ INFO] [1449364693.261733294]: Connecting to Vicon DataStream SDK at ...
[ INFO] [1449364693.262350338]: .
[ INFO] [1449364694.262625493]: ... connected!
[ INFO] [1449364694.262766503]: Setting Stream Mode to ClientPull: Success
[ INFO] [1449364694.262873112]: Axis Mapping: X-Forward Y-Left Z-Up
[ INFO] [1449364694.263011118]: Version: 1.5.0
[ INFO] [1449364694.263096447]: setting up grab_vicon_pose service server ... 
[ INFO] [1449364694.265751475]: setting up segment calibration service server ... 
[ WARN] [1449364694.269359167]: grab frame returned false

the last line lasts forever.

At this stage, the package is working very well, but I was not able to read from (vicon_bridge/Markers) topic. I got the following after I type "rostopic show /vicon_bridge/Markers" : Are your messages built?. The problem was solved after I sourced the shell to "devel/" and then type "rostopic show /vicon_bridge/Markers." Everything is OK now.

Any help/advice please?

Thanks in advance,

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Moha89
close date 2015-12-06 21:59:09.741015


Have you found the solution to this problem? I am experiencing the same thing with my project.

rahulROS gravatar image rahulROS  ( 2016-08-02 17:52:49 -0500 )edit

The solution is written in the post. Please read the whole post, and if you still have a problem, please write what you get on terminal.

Moha89 gravatar image Moha89  ( 2016-08-02 18:40:51 -0500 )edit

Thanks for the quick reply. I don't think that show is a valid rostopic command, correct? I sourced the shell using source devel/ in the ~/catkin_ws/ directory. When I execute rostopic show /vicon_bridge/Markers, it just shows a list all of rostopic's commands that does not include show.

rahulROS gravatar image rahulROS  ( 2016-08-02 18:52:11 -0500 )edit

You are right. I think I wanted to write rostopic echo instead of rostopic show. Anyway you should be able to subscribe to this topic and read the data, or you can create your own object ( ) and subscribe to it.

Moha89 gravatar image Moha89  ( 2016-08-02 19:48:11 -0500 )edit

I think I might know what my problem is. It seems that you have the vicon sdk 1.5 installed. I have the 1.3. How did you update yours?

rahulROS gravatar image rahulROS  ( 2016-08-11 14:49:19 -0500 )edit

I downloaded sdk 1.5 form vicon website ( ) and then replace the one that is inside the vicon package.

Moha89 gravatar image Moha89  ( 2016-08-11 15:51:51 -0500 )edit

did you have to change any files such as the CMakesLists.txt?

rahulROS gravatar image rahulROS  ( 2016-08-11 15:59:45 -0500 )edit

No. As I remember, I just replaced the sdk inside vicon package.

Moha89 gravatar image Moha89  ( 2016-08-11 16:37:08 -0500 )edit