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Build a map using kinect

asked 2015-08-30 14:02:16 -0500

jcardenasc93 gravatar image

updated 2015-08-31 12:22:47 -0500

Fisrt of all I am new on ROS framework so I start a new project that requires to build a map, for that I want to use the kinect sensor. So my problem is this.... I am building a custom robot, until this moment I haven't finished the construction of the robot, however I created a basic URDF file with the description of my robot to simulate it on RViz, I looking for mapping tutorials and I found some packages that can help me, but I am not sure how start, for example with 'gmapping' it requires odometry info, so I can't understand how to give that kind of information on a RViz simulation, I just want to see how the map start build on a live simulation over RViz using kinect sensor. Again I don know How start to do this. Could anyone help me or give me some searching source to accomplish that task? Thanks to ROS community

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answered 2015-08-31 16:01:00 -0500

William gravatar image

rviz doesn't simulate, it just visualizes. If you want to simulate you'll need to use a simulator like Gazebo, Stage, or STDR.

I'd recommend looking at how the Turtlebot2 is setup as an example.

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Asked: 2015-08-30 14:02:16 -0500

Seen: 589 times

Last updated: Aug 31 '15