Publish Joint_State with Python to RVIZ
I have a robot that I built in URDF that I am visualizing in RVIZ. I can control the joints using the gui tool or a rostopic pub command, but I am unable to build a publisher node to interface with the rviz visualization.
The rostopic pub works fine so I tried to build a ros package that would publish the joint information to the rviz visualization. "Rostopic echo /joint_states" lists the newly published command, but the rviz model does not move.
I am able to use the following command to move the robot using a terminal:
rostopic pub -1 /joint_states sensor_msgs/JointState '{header: auto, name: ['joint0', 'joint1', 'joint2', 'joint3'], position: [1, 0.5418, -1.7297, -3.1017], velocity: [], effort: []}'
Here is the code I am trying to build to publish the same information. I built it into a package that I am running:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from std_msgs.msg import Header
def talker():
pub = rospy.Publisher('joint_states', JointState, queue_size=10)
rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz
hello_str = JointState()
hello_str.header = Header()
hello_str.header.stamp = = ['joint0', 'joint1', 'joint2', 'joint3']
hello_str.position = [3, 0.5418, -1.7297, -3.1017]
hello_str.velocity = []
hello_str.effort = []
if __name__ == '__main__':
except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
After I run the package to move the robot, rostopic list shows the new state, but the robot has not moved in RVIZ.
Which tool are you referring to here?
or something else?he is referring to joint_state_publisher_gui,
That package didn't exist in 2015.