Opencv4tegra installed, but ros can't compile and GPU functions

asked 2015-05-23 13:53:18 -0500

Trexter101 gravatar image

I've installed CUDA toolkit and libopencv4tegra, but when compiling a simple test program which just changes a frame to black and white using gpu I get:

undefined reference to cv::gpu::Stream::Null() and undefined reference to cv::gpu::cvtcolor(cv::gpu::gpumat......);

The weird thing is the cv::gpu::gpumat.upload(cv::Mat) function and download functions are compiling but not any others.

I really will need gpu acceleration for my project. How can I have ros compile these functions?

I assume it is some modifications in cmakelists.txt.

Also I have not installed cv_bridge yet just ros bare bones, so the only opencv installation should be libopencv4tegra

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Have you looked at this: ROS on Jetson

corb gravatar image corb  ( 2015-05-24 18:27:02 -0500 )edit