Problem in ROS Workspace Overlay [closed]
Apr 20 (23 hours ago) Hello everbody,
I'm Rizal from Malaysia and quite new with ROS. I need to install ROS Fuerte in my laptop (Ubuntu 12.04), eventhough I know it has a ROS Indigo (For Ubuntu 14.04) as a new one but I to use Fuerte for the some reason.
My question is, I have done install ROS Fuerte but I have a problem to continue with ROS Workspace Overlay. When I need to create new workspace with this command:
rosws init ~/fuerte_workspace /opt/ros/fuerte
it will came out with this error:
ERROR: Cannot find required rosinstall library version, check your installation (also of vcstools) is up-to-date. One frequent cause is that rosinstall 0.5 is still installed in /usr/local/lib.
No module named vcstools.vcs_abstraction
I try to find the previous Q and A, but I really dont get the answer. Please can some one help me.
Thank you very much
Best regards.
Check the error message: Do you have rosinstall installed in /usr/local? What do you get for
which rosinstall
?I got:
rosinstall --version
I get: rosinstall 0.7.5 vcstools: 0.1.36Thank you for your concern dornhege. I run that command, and I got same error: ERROR: Cannot find required rosinstall library version, check your installation (also of vcstools) is up-to-date. One frequent cause is that rosinstall 0.5 is still installed in /usr/local/lib. No module named vcstools..
It's weird because I follow all the tutorial that has been given in WikiRos. Pse, what I should do next?