install ROS for linaro:No definition of [rostime] for OS version
I am trying to install ROS for linaro as described on the Installation page (link text).However,when i install dependencies,i get the following error:
~$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro groovy -yr
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies: rosconsole: No definition of [rostime] for OS version [precise]
roslisp: Missing resource rostime
ROS path [0]=/root/ros_catkin_ws/src
roscpp: No definition of [rostime] for OS version [precise]
message_runtime: No definition of [rostime] for OS version [precise]
roscpp_serialization: No definition of [rostime] for OS version [precise]
roscpp_traits: No definition of [rostime] for OS version [precise]
topic_tools: No definition of [rostime] for OS version [precise]
rostest: No definition of [rospy] for OS version [precise]
rostopic: No definition of [rospy] for OS version [precise]
rosservice: No definition of [rospy] for OS version [precise]
cpp_common: No definition of [libconsole-bridge-dev] for OS version [precise]
rosbag: No definition of [rospy] for OS version [precise]
roslz4: No definition of [lz4] for OS version [precise]
rosbag_storage: No definition of [rostime] for OS version [precise]
Continuing to install resolvable dependencies... All required rosdeps installed successfully
Is there any solution ?