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rosdep installing the dependencies fails on OSX 10.10

asked 2014-11-26 13:11:32 -0500

chintak gravatar image

updated 2014-11-27 23:31:13 -0500


I am trying to setup ros on OSX 10.10. I'm following the installation instructions given here: . While resolving the dependencies using this command:

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y

I get an ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 error while installing collada-dom and opencv. This I guess is associated with the default stdlib for clang being libc++ instead of libstdc++.

So I tried to install the dependencies of collada-dom with libstdc++. I was able to install Boost successfully but am unable to figure out how to install pcre with libstdc++.

Also for opencv I installed it using libstdc++ using the formula provided here, but this is just a keg-only formula. Even though I symlinked myself, rosdep isn't detecting this version.

Any help is much appreciated. Has anyone been able to get it working on OSX 10.10?

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I haven't had time to upgrade to 10.10 myself, so unfortunately I can't reproduce any of these issues yet.

William gravatar image William  ( 2014-12-02 07:52:50 -0500 )edit

Hmm. Are you on Mavericks? Can I compile against 10.8 SDK on Yosemite/Mavericks?

chintak gravatar image chintak  ( 2014-12-02 08:25:23 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-12-02 09:02:32 -0500

William gravatar image

I don't think it is as easy as changing os x sdk versions. I think the pcre problem is an issue with the provided stdlib and compiler. But without more details I doubt anyone can help without reproducing it. As for rosdep you can just skip the opencv key if you know it is installed.

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Asked: 2014-11-26 13:11:32 -0500

Seen: 541 times

Last updated: Nov 27 '14