rostopic pub message with UInt16 fields etc
I have a message type as follows:
# LegoNXTROS_Status message
# Defines the protocol for publishing the NXT robot's status.
uint16 leftMotorEncoder
uint16 rightMotorEncoder
uint8 sonarSensor
bool leftTouchSensor
bool rightTouchSensor
When I use rostopic pub -1 /LegoNXTROS_Status nxt/LegoNXTROS_Status 1, 1, 120, false, false
roscore responds repeatedly with: [WARN] [WallTime: 1415504044.156096] Inbound TCP/IP connection failed: field leftMotorEncoder must be unsigned integer type
and the message doesn't get through.
Can someone clarify what I'm doing wrong?
@ahendrix: Thanks. I will add that to my 'cheat' sheet.