If you just upgraded you need to make sure that all generated and itermediate files are removed before recompiling. The build system cannot track changes to system libraries, you need to force it to refind them and remove all references to the old files. Typically this involves an rm -rf of build devel and install folders. Or the isolated versions if using isolated builds.
The missing files are installed by libboost-regex1.54-dev on my system:
$ dpkg -L libboost-regex1.54-dev
You need to make sure that cmake can find boost correctly and invalidate any cmake caches if the version or location of boost has changed. (rm -rf of build and devel are the recommended way to make sure to invalidate those caches. If you're linking against other things compiled from source you will need to rebuild/link them as well.)
I know it may sounds obvious did you try to install the library
and its dependencies? Or alternatively:
to install everything
Thanks - obvious is OK! However : apt-get install returned:
libboost-all-dev is already the newest version.
@blanke, I have various ideas