Is it possible to publish messages between 2 Raspberry Pis running ros using a serial type connection (i2c, etc)?
Hello all, first of all let me say how amazing ROS is, I just started with it a couple of days ago and have been extremely impressed with its capabilities and speed.
I would like to off load some of my computational power by paralleling multiple Raspberry Pis (2+) on the I2C bus, I've seen a lot of tutorials on hooking up an Arduino to a Pi over the I2C bus / other serial connections but I haven't seen how you would hook 2 Pis together.
I know we have the technology, because all the Arduino is doing is posting to Serial and the Raspberry Pi is picking up the messages published (with the command: rosrun rosserial_python _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0
). But I don't see a similar library to publish these serial messages via python or C.
Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!