pubsub tutorial change string
i successfully ran the pubsub Tutorial. This Q helped me to see the message in RQT on my Computer.
How can i change the text hello world?
rosTextView.setMessageToStringCallable ((message) -> {return message.getData();});
what is this doing exactly?
when executing the Talker, how does the node know what to publish?
nodeMainExecuter.execute(talker, nodeConfiguration)
Thanks for your short explanation.
in rosjava - tutorial pubsub i can change the
Then i do
cd rosjava_core-hydro
./gradlew install
This builds the new libraries. Now i have my lib in
i think i ve installed rosjava like this
The referenced libs in the android project are in
opt/ros/hydro/share/maven/org/ros/rosjava_core/ .../rosjava_tutorial_pubsub
How do i get my libs to this root-folder?
Edit: in my android project i can change the root of this lib in
root url="jar://$USER_HOME$/rosjava_core-hydro/build/libs/rosjava_tutorial_pubsub-0.1.6.jar!/"
still saying hello world
Final Edit:
Changing something in talker.class in your rosjava
where do i have to do catkin_make or ./gradle install ???? to create the lib
Then using nautilus with sudo to copy the generated lib into the root folder
opt/ros/hydro/share/maven/org/ros/rosjava_core/ .../rosjava_tutorial_pubsub
here exchange the -jar through your new .jar (with talker and listener class) in it
And now the app publishes the text you wrote in the file
maybe someone can extend the pubsub tutorial with a section for changing the text of "hello world" to my custom text - could be useful
@stefan: changing it should not have been so involved. All that should be needed is to build the rosjava repository from source, and have your ros android projects depend on that, instead of overwriting binary dists in '/opt/ros/..'.
maybe i got smthing wrong with rosandroid and rosjava folders