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Building catkin workspace on Mac OS X Mavericks

asked 2014-07-09 20:42:18 -0600

voladoddi gravatar image

updated 2014-07-10 04:48:58 -0600

demmeln gravatar image

I'm trying to build the catkin workspace on Mac OS X (ROS installation using Homebrew) and per the installation wiki,

We will use the catkin_make_isolated command because there are both catkin and plain cmake packages in the base install, when developing on your catkin only workspaces you should use catkin/commands/catkin_make.

Invoke catkin_make_isolated: "$ ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"

I tried doing that and after a bunch of packages names listed, I get an error message. It seems to be something related to CMake and CatKin but I'm new to this and I don't exactly know what's happening here.

Below is the message (flow) after I run the above command.

Poojas-MacBook-Pro:ros_catkin_ws voladoddi$ ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Base path: /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws
Source space: /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/src
Build space: /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/build_isolated
Devel space: /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/devel_isolated
Install space: /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated
Additional CMake Arguments: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
~~  traversing 251 packages in topological order:
~~  - catkin
~~  - genmsg
~~  - gencpp
~~  - genlisp
~~  - genpy
~~  - angles
~~  - bfl (plain cmake)
~~  - bond_core
~~  - cmake_modules
~~  - common_msgs
~~  - common_tutorials
~~  - console_bridge (plain cmake)
~~  - class_loader
~~  - cpp_common
~~  - desktop
~~  - desktop_full
~~  - diagnostics
~~  - driver_common
~~  - eigen_stl_containers
~~  - executive_smach
~~  - gazebo_ros_pkgs
~~  - geometry
~~  - geometry_experimental
~~  - geometry_tutorials
~~  - image_common
~~  - image_pipeline
~~  - image_transport_plugins
~~  - laser_pipeline
~~  - media_export
~~  - message_generation
~~  - message_runtime
~~  - mk
~~  - mobile
~~  - navigation
~~  - nodelet_core
~~  - octomap (plain cmake)
~~  - opencv2 (plain cmake)
~~  - openslam_gmapping
~~  - orocos_kdl (plain cmake)
~~  - perception
~~  - perception_pcl
~~  - python_orocos_kdl (plain cmake)
~~  - qt_dotgraph
~~  - qt_gui
~~  - qt_gui_app
~~  - qt_gui_core
~~  - qt_gui_py_common
~~  - random_numbers
~~  - robot
~~  - robot_model
~~  - ros
~~  - ros_base
~~  - ros_comm
~~  - ros_full
~~  - ros_tutorials
~~  - rosbag_migration_rule
~~  - rosbash
~~  - rosboost_cfg
~~  - rosbuild
~~  - rosclean
~~  - roscpp_traits
~~  - roscreate
~~  - rosdoc_lite
~~  - rosgraph
~~  - roslang
~~  - roslint
~~  - roslisp
~~  - rosmake
~~  - rosmaster
~~  - rosmsg
~~  - rospack
~~  - roslib
~~  - rosparam
~~  - rospy
~~  - rosservice
~~  - rostime
~~  - roscpp_serialization
~~  - python_qt_binding
~~  - rosbag_storage
~~  - roslaunch
~~  - rosunit
~~  - rosconsole
~~  - pluginlib
~~  - qt_gui_cpp
~~  - resource_retriever
~~  - rosconsole_bridge
~~  - rostest
~~  - rqt_action
~~  - rqt_bag
~~  - rqt_bag_plugins
~~  - rqt_common_plugins
~~  - rqt_console
~~  - rqt_dep
~~  - rqt_graph
~~  - rqt_gui
~~  - rqt_logger_level
~~  - rqt_moveit
~~  - rqt_msg
~~  - rqt_nav_view
~~  - rqt_plot
~~  - rqt_pose_view
~~  - rqt_publisher
~~  - rqt_py_common
~~  - rqt_py_console
~~  - rqt_reconfigure
~~  - rqt_robot_dashboard
~~  - rqt_robot_monitor
~~  - rqt_robot_plugins
~~  - rqt_robot_steering
~~  - rqt_runtime_monitor
~~  - rqt_service_caller
~~  - rqt_shell
~~  - rqt_srv
~~  - rqt_tf_tree
~~  - rqt_top
~~  - rqt_topic
~~  - rqt_web
~~  - simulators
~~  - smach
~~  - smclib
~~  - stage (plain cmake)
~~  - std_msgs
~~  - actionlib_msgs
~~  - bond
~~  - diagnostic_msgs
~~  - geometry_msgs
~~  - eigen_conversions
~~  - kdl_conversions
~~  - nav_msgs
~~  - rosgraph_msgs
~~  - sensor_msgs
~~  - camera_calibration_parsers
~~  - cv_bridge
~~  - image_geometry
~~  - map_msgs
~~  - pcl_msgs
~~  - shape_msgs
~~  - smach_msgs
~~  - std_srvs
~~  - stereo_msgs
~~  - tf2_msgs
~~  - tf2
~~  - tf2_bullet
~~  - trajectory_msgs
~~  - control_msgs
~~  - gazebo_msgs
~~  - urdfdom_headers (plain cmake)
~~  - urdf_parser_plugin
~~  - urdfdom (plain cmake)
~~  - vision_opencv
~~  - visualization_msgs
~~  - shape_tools
~~  - geometric_shapes
~~  - visualization_tutorials
~~  - viz
~~  - xmlrpcpp
~~  - roscpp
~~  - bondcpp
~~  - bondpy
~~  - collada_parser
~~  - diagnostic_common_diagnostics
~~  - joint_state_publisher
~~  - move_base_msgs
~~  - nodelet
~~  - nodelet_tutorial_math
~~  - pcl_conversions
~~  - pluginlib_tutorials
~~  - roscpp_tutorials
~~  - rosout
~~  - camera_calibration
~~  - diagnostic_aggregator
~~  - diagnostic_updater
~~  - dynamic_reconfigure
~~  - filters
~~  - message_filters
~~  - image_transport
~~  - camera_info_manager
~~  - image_view
~~  - polled_camera
~~  - rosnode
~~  - rospy_tutorials
~~  - rostopic
~~  - roswtf
~~  - rqt_gui_cpp
~~  - rqt_gui_py
~~  - rqt_image_view
~~  - self_test
~~  - smach_ros
~~  - tf2_py
~~  - timestamp_tools
~~  - topic_tools
~~  - rosbag
~~  - actionlib
~~  - actionlib_tutorials
~~  - diagnostic_analysis
~~  - driver_base
~~  - image_proc
~~  - nodelet_topic_tools
~~  - rqt_launch
~~  - stereo_image_proc
~~  - tf2_ros
~~  - tf
~~  - compressed_depth_image_transport
~~  - compressed_image_transport
~~  - fake_localization
~~  - gmapping
~~  - interactive_markers
~~  - interactive_marker_tutorials
~~  - laser_geometry
~~  - laser_assembler
~~  - laser_filters
~~  - map_server
~~  - amcl
~~  - pcl_ros
~~  - depth_image_proc
~~  - robot_pose_ekf
~~  - stage_ros
~~  - tf2_geometry_msgs
~~  - tf2_kdl
~~  - tf2_tools
~~  - tf_conversions
~~  - image_rotate
~~  - theora_image_transport
~~  - turtlesim
~~  - turtle_actionlib
~~  - turtle_tf
~~  - urdf
~~  - collada_urdf
~~  - gazebo_plugins
~~  - gazebo_ros
~~  - kdl_parser
~~  - robot_state_publisher
~~  - rviz
~~  - librviz_tutorial
~~  - rqt_rviz
~~  - rviz_plugin_tutorials
~~  - rviz_python_tutorial
~~  - urdf_tutorial
~~  - visualization_marker_tutorials
~~  - voxel_grid
~~  - costmap_2d
~~  - nav_core
~~  - base_local_planner
~~  - carrot_planner
~~  - clear_costmap_recovery
~~  - dwa_local_planner
~~  - move_slow_and_clear
~~  - navfn
~~  - rotate_recovery
~~  - move_base
~~  - xacro
The packages or cmake arguments have changed, forcing cmake invocation

==> Processing catkin package: 'catkin'
==> Creating build directory: 'build_isolated/catkin'
==> cmake /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/src/catkin -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/devel_isolated/catkin -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release in '/Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/build_isolated/catkin'
-- The C compiler identification is AppleClang
-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Check ...
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Could you attach the contents of the file /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/build_isolated/catkin/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log, please?

Martin Peris gravatar image Martin Peris  ( 2014-07-09 21:13:14 -0600 )edit

@Martin Peris Added. Do let me know if anything pops out at you. Thanks.

voladoddi gravatar image voladoddi  ( 2014-07-09 21:37:51 -0600 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2014-09-05 14:04:13 -0600

voladoddi gravatar image

Thanks all for helping out. I did try it out and I got stuck elsewhere. Installed a Ubuntu virtual machine and it has increased the speed of learning ROS by much.

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answered 2014-07-10 06:09:53 -0600

demmeln gravatar image

Which instructions are you following? In these install instructions the step before "Building the catkin Workspace" is "Resolving Dependencies", and rosdep should have installed empy for you.

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answered 2014-07-09 22:12:24 -0600

There is an error message that says:

CMake Error at cmake/empy.cmake:28 (message):
Unable to find either executable 'empy' or Python module 'em'...  try
installing package 'python-empy'

Have you tried to follow the suggestion of installing the package python-empy?

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Asked: 2014-07-09 20:42:18 -0600

Seen: 2,351 times

Last updated: Sep 05 '14