Building catkin workspace on Mac OS X Mavericks
I'm trying to build the catkin workspace on Mac OS X (ROS installation using Homebrew) and per the installation wiki,
We will use the catkin_make_isolated command because there are both catkin and plain cmake packages in the base install, when developing on your catkin only workspaces you should use catkin/commands/catkin_make.
Invoke catkin_make_isolated: "
$ ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
I tried doing that and after a bunch of packages names listed, I get an error message. It seems to be something related to CMake and CatKin but I'm new to this and I don't exactly know what's happening here.
Below is the message (flow) after I run the above command.
Poojas-MacBook-Pro:ros_catkin_ws voladoddi$ ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Base path: /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws
Source space: /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/src
Build space: /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/build_isolated
Devel space: /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/devel_isolated
Install space: /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated
Additional CMake Arguments: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
~~ traversing 251 packages in topological order:
~~ - catkin
~~ - genmsg
~~ - gencpp
~~ - genlisp
~~ - genpy
~~ - angles
~~ - bfl (plain cmake)
~~ - bond_core
~~ - cmake_modules
~~ - common_msgs
~~ - common_tutorials
~~ - console_bridge (plain cmake)
~~ - class_loader
~~ - cpp_common
~~ - desktop
~~ - desktop_full
~~ - diagnostics
~~ - driver_common
~~ - eigen_stl_containers
~~ - executive_smach
~~ - gazebo_ros_pkgs
~~ - geometry
~~ - geometry_experimental
~~ - geometry_tutorials
~~ - image_common
~~ - image_pipeline
~~ - image_transport_plugins
~~ - laser_pipeline
~~ - media_export
~~ - message_generation
~~ - message_runtime
~~ - mk
~~ - mobile
~~ - navigation
~~ - nodelet_core
~~ - octomap (plain cmake)
~~ - opencv2 (plain cmake)
~~ - openslam_gmapping
~~ - orocos_kdl (plain cmake)
~~ - perception
~~ - perception_pcl
~~ - python_orocos_kdl (plain cmake)
~~ - qt_dotgraph
~~ - qt_gui
~~ - qt_gui_app
~~ - qt_gui_core
~~ - qt_gui_py_common
~~ - random_numbers
~~ - robot
~~ - robot_model
~~ - ros
~~ - ros_base
~~ - ros_comm
~~ - ros_full
~~ - ros_tutorials
~~ - rosbag_migration_rule
~~ - rosbash
~~ - rosboost_cfg
~~ - rosbuild
~~ - rosclean
~~ - roscpp_traits
~~ - roscreate
~~ - rosdoc_lite
~~ - rosgraph
~~ - roslang
~~ - roslint
~~ - roslisp
~~ - rosmake
~~ - rosmaster
~~ - rosmsg
~~ - rospack
~~ - roslib
~~ - rosparam
~~ - rospy
~~ - rosservice
~~ - rostime
~~ - roscpp_serialization
~~ - python_qt_binding
~~ - rosbag_storage
~~ - roslaunch
~~ - rosunit
~~ - rosconsole
~~ - pluginlib
~~ - qt_gui_cpp
~~ - resource_retriever
~~ - rosconsole_bridge
~~ - rostest
~~ - rqt_action
~~ - rqt_bag
~~ - rqt_bag_plugins
~~ - rqt_common_plugins
~~ - rqt_console
~~ - rqt_dep
~~ - rqt_graph
~~ - rqt_gui
~~ - rqt_logger_level
~~ - rqt_moveit
~~ - rqt_msg
~~ - rqt_nav_view
~~ - rqt_plot
~~ - rqt_pose_view
~~ - rqt_publisher
~~ - rqt_py_common
~~ - rqt_py_console
~~ - rqt_reconfigure
~~ - rqt_robot_dashboard
~~ - rqt_robot_monitor
~~ - rqt_robot_plugins
~~ - rqt_robot_steering
~~ - rqt_runtime_monitor
~~ - rqt_service_caller
~~ - rqt_shell
~~ - rqt_srv
~~ - rqt_tf_tree
~~ - rqt_top
~~ - rqt_topic
~~ - rqt_web
~~ - simulators
~~ - smach
~~ - smclib
~~ - stage (plain cmake)
~~ - std_msgs
~~ - actionlib_msgs
~~ - bond
~~ - diagnostic_msgs
~~ - geometry_msgs
~~ - eigen_conversions
~~ - kdl_conversions
~~ - nav_msgs
~~ - rosgraph_msgs
~~ - sensor_msgs
~~ - camera_calibration_parsers
~~ - cv_bridge
~~ - image_geometry
~~ - map_msgs
~~ - pcl_msgs
~~ - shape_msgs
~~ - smach_msgs
~~ - std_srvs
~~ - stereo_msgs
~~ - tf2_msgs
~~ - tf2
~~ - tf2_bullet
~~ - trajectory_msgs
~~ - control_msgs
~~ - gazebo_msgs
~~ - urdfdom_headers (plain cmake)
~~ - urdf_parser_plugin
~~ - urdfdom (plain cmake)
~~ - vision_opencv
~~ - visualization_msgs
~~ - shape_tools
~~ - geometric_shapes
~~ - visualization_tutorials
~~ - viz
~~ - xmlrpcpp
~~ - roscpp
~~ - bondcpp
~~ - bondpy
~~ - collada_parser
~~ - diagnostic_common_diagnostics
~~ - joint_state_publisher
~~ - move_base_msgs
~~ - nodelet
~~ - nodelet_tutorial_math
~~ - pcl_conversions
~~ - pluginlib_tutorials
~~ - roscpp_tutorials
~~ - rosout
~~ - camera_calibration
~~ - diagnostic_aggregator
~~ - diagnostic_updater
~~ - dynamic_reconfigure
~~ - filters
~~ - message_filters
~~ - image_transport
~~ - camera_info_manager
~~ - image_view
~~ - polled_camera
~~ - rosnode
~~ - rospy_tutorials
~~ - rostopic
~~ - roswtf
~~ - rqt_gui_cpp
~~ - rqt_gui_py
~~ - rqt_image_view
~~ - self_test
~~ - smach_ros
~~ - tf2_py
~~ - timestamp_tools
~~ - topic_tools
~~ - rosbag
~~ - actionlib
~~ - actionlib_tutorials
~~ - diagnostic_analysis
~~ - driver_base
~~ - image_proc
~~ - nodelet_topic_tools
~~ - rqt_launch
~~ - stereo_image_proc
~~ - tf2_ros
~~ - tf
~~ - compressed_depth_image_transport
~~ - compressed_image_transport
~~ - fake_localization
~~ - gmapping
~~ - interactive_markers
~~ - interactive_marker_tutorials
~~ - laser_geometry
~~ - laser_assembler
~~ - laser_filters
~~ - map_server
~~ - amcl
~~ - pcl_ros
~~ - depth_image_proc
~~ - robot_pose_ekf
~~ - stage_ros
~~ - tf2_geometry_msgs
~~ - tf2_kdl
~~ - tf2_tools
~~ - tf_conversions
~~ - image_rotate
~~ - theora_image_transport
~~ - turtlesim
~~ - turtle_actionlib
~~ - turtle_tf
~~ - urdf
~~ - collada_urdf
~~ - gazebo_plugins
~~ - gazebo_ros
~~ - kdl_parser
~~ - robot_state_publisher
~~ - rviz
~~ - librviz_tutorial
~~ - rqt_rviz
~~ - rviz_plugin_tutorials
~~ - rviz_python_tutorial
~~ - urdf_tutorial
~~ - visualization_marker_tutorials
~~ - voxel_grid
~~ - costmap_2d
~~ - nav_core
~~ - base_local_planner
~~ - carrot_planner
~~ - clear_costmap_recovery
~~ - dwa_local_planner
~~ - move_slow_and_clear
~~ - navfn
~~ - rotate_recovery
~~ - move_base
~~ - xacro
The packages or cmake arguments have changed, forcing cmake invocation
==> Processing catkin package: 'catkin'
==> Creating build directory: 'build_isolated/catkin'
==> cmake /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/src/catkin -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/devel_isolated/catkin -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release in '/Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/build_isolated/catkin'
-- The C compiler identification is AppleClang
-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Check ...
Could you attach the contents of the file /Users/voladoddi/ros_catkin_ws/build_isolated/catkin/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log, please?
@Martin Peris Added. Do let me know if anything pops out at you. Thanks.