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problems with ros loop iteration

asked 2014-06-20 12:10:36 -0600

choog gravatar image

updated 2014-06-24 11:38:14 -0600

Hi, I am having problems with the amount of time this loop iterates.

 #include <ros/ros.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>

class GoStraight{

  void callback(const ros::TimerEvent&);
  ros::NodeHandle ph_, nh_;
  ros::Publisher vel_pub_;
  geometry_msgs::Twist vel;
  ros::Timer timer_;


   vel_pub_ = ph_.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>(
    "/cmd_vel_mux/input/navi", 1);
   vel.angular.z = 0.0;
   vel.linear.x = .2;
   timer_ = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(3.0), &GoStraight::callback );

void callback(const ros::TimerEvent& event){


  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Sending random velocity command:"
      << " linear=" << vel.linear.x
      << " angular=" << vel.angular.z);  


int main(int argc, char** argv){

  ros::init(argc, argv, "g_straight");
  GoStraight g_straight;


    this is the output that I get:
    [ INFO] [1403283564.623071038]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.07
    [ INFO] [1403283564.723195177]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.07
    [ INFO] [1403283564.823198861]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.07
    [ INFO] [140328

3564.923198642]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.07 [ INFO] [1403283565.023199258]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.08 [ INFO] [1403283565.123149431]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.08 [ INFO] [1403283565.223199416]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.08 [ INFO] [1403283565.323155826]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.08 [ INFO] [1403283565.423198781]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.08 [ INFO] [1403283565.523200109]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.08 [ INFO] [1403283565.623197323]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.08

I would like an output that goes like this:
[ INFO] [1403283565.523200109]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =0.0
[ INFO] [1403283565.623197323]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =1.0
[ INFO] [1403283565.523200109]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =2.0
[ INFO] [1403283565.623197323]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =3.0
[ INFO] [1403283565.523200109]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.2 angular=0 at time =4.0
[ INFO] [1403283565.623197323]: Sending random velocity command: linear=0.0 angular=0 at time =5.0

I am having a hard time understand how the rate.sleep() affects the speed that the ROS loop iterates and help is greatly appreciated.

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2 Answers

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answered 2014-06-20 15:03:42 -0600

l0g1x gravatar image

If you want a random velocity command being sent every second only, then set your ros::Rate rate(10) to rate(1) meaning it will be at 1hz and not 10hz. So it with happen 1 time every second, not ten like you were seeing before

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oops I forgot to change the ROS INFO text but its not a random velocity. Either way I tried that, where it only loops at 1 hz, but then it still proceeds with a similar output except it iterates slower.

choog gravatar image choog  ( 2014-06-20 15:21:51 -0600 )edit

Is an update happening around every 3 seconds? If so, that means your timer is set to fire every 3 seconds. Set this value to say 0.1 instead of 3, and you should get a message every 1/10th of a second (10hz). Hope this helped.

l0g1x gravatar image l0g1x  ( 2014-08-05 08:13:10 -0600 )edit

I figured this out. Thank you though.

choog gravatar image choog  ( 2014-08-05 09:16:56 -0600 )edit

What was the issue?

l0g1x gravatar image l0g1x  ( 2014-08-05 09:50:58 -0600 )edit

I didn't use a call back function anymore and I just used a regular while(ros::ok()) to have the loop iterate at the rate that I wanted. I also implemented ros::time to control the rate that the actual messages were published to the topic.

choog gravatar image choog  ( 2014-08-05 10:19:03 -0600 )edit

answered 2014-06-20 13:34:11 -0600

tfoote gravatar image

It looks like your loop is turing over at approximately 10 Hz which is the rate you set. rate.sleep() will sleep for the duration which will fill in the remainder of your cycle. I'm not familiar with the clock() methods I recommend that you use the ROS time objects which work in seconds natively not ticks. It's documented at as well as Rate and sleeping.

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I am trying to modify my code so that the timer created passes to callback in the format as: ros::Timer timer = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), timerCallback); The only problem is I am not sure where to declare my callback. If i Declare it outside main, I get a bunch of errors about scope.

choog gravatar image choog  ( 2014-06-20 15:24:06 -0600 )edit

I have changed my code to use those timer examples. I had a few problems though. My code is not compiling because I am getting errors from the callback. I'm not sure if I am doing this right. I just want the twist message to get published for 3 seconds. If you could help me with the format plz.

choog gravatar image choog  ( 2014-06-24 11:40:29 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2014-06-20 12:10:36 -0600

Seen: 932 times

Last updated: Jun 24 '14