ROSmatlab + hydro + ardrone
I'm trying to use hydro from matlab 2013a on ubuntu. I've so far installed ROS, and the autonomy/ardrone code, as well as the ardrone_tutorials code and verified both work from the command line (i.e. I can roslaunch the demo code, control the drone, etc).
What I need to do next is set up a node in rosmatlab, which I believe I did correctly after setting environment variables etc:
node = rosmatlab.node('NODE','localhost',11311); % This completes correctly
When I try to add a subscriber, I see an error in the terminal window in which I'm running the drone driver, which leads me to assume the above line is correct. The problem is that rosmatlab does not seem to know what a message of type navdata is, thus the following fails:
sub = rosmatlab.subscriber('ardrone/navdata','ardrone_autonomy/Navdata',1,node);
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ardrone_autonomy.Navdata.
I'm not sure how to proceed. Do I need to somehow port the existing code into matlab?