Gazebo as a ROS node doesn't publish topics (odom, joint_state and tf) correctly
Hi Everyone,
I am running two turtlebots from kobuki and hydro ROS(robot1 and robot2) and when I checked the rqt_graph (subscriber and publisher graph) I noticed that Gazebo as ROS node doesn’t publish or subscribe the /odom, /join_states and / tf topics based on their correspondence namespaces (robot1/odom and robot2/odom). Gazebo node just publishes or subscribes using the global names, /odom, /join_states and /tf.
I remapped some nodes to work properly with their correspondence namespace but I couldn’t figure out where to go to remap this “Gazebo node”
I installed the turtlebot from source and using Gazebo 1.9 with hydro ROS. Please, somebody can help me out with this issue.
Thanks a lot