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Cant compile Yocto Image for Intel Galileo [closed]

asked 2014-04-24 03:39:49 -0500

FocaaBR gravatar image

updated 2014-05-02 01:43:22 -0500


I'm using a 12.04 LTS Ubuntu machine to create/compile/burn the initial Yocto image file for Intel Galileo, wich can be followed by this tutorial> wiki ros/IntelGalileo/HydroGalileoInitialInstall.

The problem is: I follow the steps perfectly until that> # bitbake image-full

Initially the process occurs fine and after 1 hour an entire screen showing error messages shows up and stop the process.

What should i do?

Here is the lastest error occurred. Today, about 5minutes ago lol. But friday i did the cleanall process and it worked.

user@ubuntu:~/devel_gal/meta-clanton_v0.7.5/yocto_build$ bitbake image-sdk

Loading cache: 100% |###########################################| ETA: 00:00:00

Loaded 1614 entries from dependency cache.

Build Configuration:

BB_VERSION = "1.18.0"

BUILD_SYS = "i686-linux"

NATIVELSBSTRING = "Ubuntu-12.04"

TARGET_SYS = "i586-poky-linux"

MACHINE = "clanton"

DISTRO = "clanton-full"


TUNE_FEATURES = "m32 i586"




meta-yocto-bsp = "clanton:d734ab491a30078d43dee5440c03acce2d251425"

meta-intel = "clanton:048def7bae8e3e1a11c91f5071f99bdcf8e6dd16"

meta-oe = "clanton:13ae5105ee30410136beeae66ec41ee4a8a2e2b0"



meta-clanton-galileo = "<unknown>:<unknown>"

NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies

NOTE: multiple providers are available for jpeg (jpeg, libjpeg-turbo)

NOTE: consider defining a PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match jpeg

NOTE: multiple providers are available for jpeg-native (jpeg-native, libjpeg-turbo-native)

NOTE: consider defining a PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match jpeg-native

NOTE: Preparing runqueue

NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks

NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks

WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http: // zlib. net/ pigz/ pigz-2.3.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS if available

WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http: // www. apache. org/dist/apr/apr-1.4.6.tar.bz2, attempting MIRRORS if available

WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http: // www. apache. org/dist/apr/apr-util-1.5.1.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS if available

WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http: // www. apache. org/dist/subversion/subversion-1.7.8.tar.bz2, attempting MIRRORS if available

WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http: // pkg-shadow. alioth. debian. org/releases/shadow-, attempting MIRRORS if available

WARNING: Failed to fetch URL http: // downloads. sourceforge. net/project/libpng/libpng16/1.6.0/libpng-1.6.0.tar.xz, attempting MIRRORS if available

ERROR: Task 1536 (/home/user/devel_gal/meta-clanton_v0.7.5/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/openssl/, do_compile) failed with exit code '137'

ERROR: Task 1268 (virtual:native:/home/user/devel_gal/meta-clanton_v0.7.5/poky/meta/recipes-core/gettext/, do_install) failed with exit code '137'

NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 1154 tasks of which 458 didn't need to be rerun and 2 failed.

Waiting for 2 running tasks to finish:

0: openssl-1.0.1e-r15.0 do_compile (pid 566)

1: gettext-native-0.18.2-r0 do_install (pid 20435)

Summary: 2 tasks failed:

/home/user/devel_gal/meta-clanton_v0.7.5/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/openssl/, do_compile

virtual:native:/home/user/devel_gal/meta-clanton_v0.7.5/poky/meta/recipes-core/gettext/, do_install

Summary: There were 6 WARNING messages shown.


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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2017-04-20 17:41:19.315067

1 Answer

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answered 2014-05-01 05:13:18 -0500

atenea gravatar image

what errors are you getting?

edit flag offensive delete link more


The error is on the edited question =D the links arent "linked" cuz my karma is not enough =(

FocaaBR gravatar image FocaaBR  ( 2014-05-02 01:44:15 -0500 )edit

Question Tools

1 follower


Asked: 2014-04-24 03:39:49 -0500

Seen: 1,268 times

Last updated: May 02 '14