I can't to start work with hector_qrcode_detection. I edited this launch file I only change this sector
<remap from="openni/image" to="/image_raw" />
<remap from="openni/image_percept" to="worldmodel/image_percept" />
<remap from="openni/image/qrcode" to="image/qrcode" />
<remap from="openni/image/camera_info" to="/camera_info" />
Because I use uvc_camera for testing, but I going to use this package with kinect. So when I start this launch file, I didn't see that any topic supsribes to image_raw. Where is problem? What I'm doing wrong?
rostopic info /image_raw
Type: sensor_msgs/Image
* /uvc_camera (http://turtle-comp:34051/)
Subscribers: None
rostopic list | grep image
rosnode list
rosnode info /qrcode_detection_kinect
Node [/qrcode_detection_]
Publications: None
Subscriptions: None
Services: None