Failure in configuring ROS environment
I'm installing Groovy on ubuntu 12.04,when I'm configuring the environment,the following error occurs,(before this command it runs smoothly )
bash:/opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash:no such file or directory.
I installed Fuerte a few days ago ,but before I'm configuring the environment for Groovy ,I have uninstalled it.
I have tried to open the file to check whether it exist or not ,put the command gedit /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
on the terminal,it was opened ,but it was empty.
What can I do to solve it ,thank you!
gedit /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash will open with empty doc, no matter if the file exists and is empty or does not exist. Go to the path in your file system (cd /opt cd ros cd hydro) and check (ls) whether the file exists...
but how can I solve my problem to configure the ros environment successfully
Does the file or the entire folder (/opt/ros/hydro) exist? If not something might have gone wrong during sudo apt-get install or so, i. e. reinstall...
the entire folder (/opt/ros/hydro) does not exist, Do I have to reinstall ROS ? And I want to know the importance of the configuration of the evironment.
ROS is not installed in this case, try starting again for scratch with the steps noted here