rviz_camera_stream publishes an image rendered in rviz. It builds in jade at least, but likely works in hydro and indigo, and following the fork back leads to a pre-catkin version.
It needs an input camera_info to get camera intrinsics and resolution. The distortion coefficients are ignored, but a image_proc like node that implements http://code.opencv.org/issues/1387 could address that downstream. (Do gazebo cameras support distortion yet? http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=ca... says version 5.0 does)
The input camera_info topic and output image topic are set in the rviz plugin gui.
Old suggestion:
One hacky solution is to run a screen grab node http://wiki.ros.org/screengrab_ros and position the rviz window just so, though it would be very brittle and hard to automate with launch files.
Do you want to use that for visualization/presentation purposes or to run vision algorithms based on that?
Hi, thank you for your fast response. I want to run vision algorithms, like segmentation on that simulated camera view. With best regards, Marc
That sounds like you want a simulation like gazebo that does this.