What is the purpose of communication between naoqi and v-rep [closed]

asked 2014-03-10 04:54:53 -0600

msreddy gravatar image

updated 2016-10-24 09:10:30 -0600

ngrennan gravatar image

I am new to Nao, naoQi, V-rep. I was told by my supervisor to integrate the V-Rep with Naoqi. V-rep isa simulation engine, NaoQi is a framework of Nao software.

Details: So my question is why this is important, what advantages/disadvantage we have after this integration

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Closed for the following reason question is off-topic or not relevant. Please see http://wiki.ros.org/Support for more details. by AHornung
close date 2014-03-10 04:56:50


This question is not related to ROS at all, so it's best asked in the Nao support forums at Aldebaran Robotics.

AHornung gravatar image AHornung  ( 2014-03-10 04:56:31 -0600 )edit