Gmapping with sick_tim310 troubles [closed]
G'day everyone,
We're trying to use the sick_tim310 laser scanner to try and build a slam map. We are first launching the sick_tim310 package using
rosrun sick_tim3xx sick_tim310
and then running the gmapping package
roslaunch turtlebot_navigation gmapping_turtlebot.launch
When the gmapping package launches, we get the following warning and we are not able to build a map
[ WARN] [1389919537.481403314]: Message from [/sick_tim310] has a non-fully-qualified frame_id [laser]. Resolved locally to [/laser]. This is will likely not work in multi-robot systems. This message will only print once.
[ WARN] [1389919551.824802632]: MessageFilter [target=/odom ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.gmapping.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
We've also tried changing the name of the topic to which the laser scan publishes by launching the sick_tim310 package the following way;
rosrun sick_tim3xx sick_tim310 scan:=/laser
and then we tried running the gmapping package again, but this time, there are no warnings but mapping just does not start. All we see is the following output;
* /rosdistro
* /rosversion
* /slam_gmapping/angularUpdate
* /slam_gmapping/astep
* /slam_gmapping/delta
* /slam_gmapping/iterations
* /slam_gmapping/kernelSize
* /slam_gmapping/lasamplerange
* /slam_gmapping/lasamplestep
* /slam_gmapping/linearUpdate
* /slam_gmapping/llsamplerange
* /slam_gmapping/llsamplestep
* /slam_gmapping/lsigma
* /slam_gmapping/lskip
* /slam_gmapping/lstep
* /slam_gmapping/map_update_interval
* /slam_gmapping/maxUrange
* /slam_gmapping/odom_frame
* /slam_gmapping/ogain
* /slam_gmapping/particles
* /slam_gmapping/resampleThreshold
* /slam_gmapping/sigma
* /slam_gmapping/srr
* /slam_gmapping/srt
* /slam_gmapping/str
* /slam_gmapping/stt
* /slam_gmapping/temporalUpdate
* /slam_gmapping/xmax
* /slam_gmapping/xmin
* /slam_gmapping/ymax
* /slam_gmapping/ymin
slam_gmapping (gmapping/slam_gmapping)
core service [/rosout] found
process[slam_gmapping-1]: started with pid [20289]
And then nothing proceeds to happen. Could anyone please be able to shed some light on this issue? Many thanks.