Physics_ODE Install
Hello all, I have recently discovered that ROS has a patched ode engine. Installing electric ROS full, revealed the patched opende engine (with the parrallel_step) library. First I wanted to thank the programmers for this awesome patch.
I am interested in using this package outside of ROS, and it seems that the libraries are very similar if not the same as the ode packages. Also from the documentation page, I garner that the library can be used apart from ROS. My goal is to use this ode engine with OpenRAVE in the OpenRAVE environment (I know there is a way to use OpenRAVE in ROS, but I am still learning about that.) So my question:
I have linked the includes, and the ode-config bin to my /usr. (I also rebuilt the library because the ode-config bin gave out wrong --cflags and --libs). Does anyone know if this is enough? Does anyone have experience with what I am attempting? Thank you so much!