QGLViewer in ROS: "undefined reference to 'vtable' " error
hello everyone. I defined a class extending QGLVIewer:
#include <QGLViewer/qglviewer.h>
#include "/home/ubisum/fuerte_workspace/thesis_pack/src/coord.h"
using namespace std;
class scanViewer: public QGLViewer{
void setCoordsList(vector<coord>);
virtual void draw();
virtual void init();
virtual QString helpString() const;
vector<coord> coordsList;
#endif // SCANVIEWER_H
Then, I implemented the class:
#include "scanviewer.h"
#include "/home/ubisum/fuerte_workspace/thesis_pack/src/coord.h"
using namespace std;
void scanViewer::setCoordsList(vector<coord> inputCoords){
coordsList = inputCoords;
//void scanViewer::draw(){}
void scanViewer::draw(){
for(int i = 0; i<(int)coordsList.size(); i++){
glColor3f(0, 1.0, 0);
glVertex3f(coordsList[i].x, coordsList[i].y, 0);
//void scanViewer::init(){}
void scanViewer::init(){
// Restore previous viewer state.
// Opens help window
QString scanViewer::helpString() const
QString text("<h2>S i m p l e V i e w e r</h2>");
text += "Use the mouse to move the camera around the object. ";
text += "You can respectively revolve around, zoom and translate with the three mouse buttons. ";
text += "Left and middle buttons pressed together rotate around the camera view direction axis<br><br>";
text += "Pressing <b>Alt</b> and one of the function keys (<b>F1</b>..<b>F12</b>) defines a camera keyFrame. ";
text += "Simply press the function key again to restore it. Several keyFrames define a ";
text += "camera path. Paths are saved when you quit the application and restored at next start.<br><br>";
text += "Press <b>F</b> to display the frame rate, <b>A</b> for the world axis, ";
text += "<b>Alt+Return</b> for full screen mode and <b>Control+S</b> to save a snapshot. ";
text += "See the <b>Keyboard</b> tab in this window for a complete shortcut list.<br><br>";
text += "Double clicks automates single click actions: A left button double click aligns the closer axis with the camera (if close enough). ";
text += "A middle button double click fits the zoom of the camera and the right button re-centers the scene.<br><br>";
text += "A left button double click while holding right button pressed defines the camera <i>Revolve Around Point</i>. ";
text += "See the <b>Mouse</b> tab and the documentation web pages for details.<br><br>";
text += "Press <b>Escape</b> to exit the viewer.";
return text;
/*int main(int argc, char** argv){
return 0;
The scanViewer class is then used in an external function, defined in another class, in another file:
void messageListener::listen(int c, char** v){
scanViewer sw;
Finally, I compiled from inside my make folder inside my ROS package and that's the error I get:
CMakeFiles/thesis_main.dir/src/messageListener.o: In function `messageListener::listen(int, char**)':
/home/ubisum/fuerte_workspace/thesis_pack/src/messageListener.cpp:847: undefined reference to `scanViewer::scanViewer()'
CMakeFiles/thesis_main.dir/src/messageListener.o: In function `~scanViewer':
/home/ubisum/fuerte_workspace/thesis_pack/src/viewers/scanviewer.h:9: undefined reference to `vtable for scanViewer'
/home/ubisum/fuerte_workspace/thesis_pack/src/viewers/scanviewer.h:9: undefined reference to `vtable for ...
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